Craig's Dream of Performing With His Daughter

June 10, 2021

Photo of Craig and his daughter

The act of singing is a powerful expression with actual mental health benefits. Studies show that singing can help develop a strong sense of belonging and connection with others. For Craig, singing connects him to his daughter.

“She loves to sing and dance,” said Craig. “Music has always been a part of my life and I love when she gets to see me sing on stage.” For Craig, those moments performing in front of his daughter were a distant memory following a separation from his partner.

“There was a time when I couldn’t see my daughter and it hardened my heart,” recalls Craig. “I was missing her, this piece of me. I was turning bitter, and I didn’t want to be that.” That is when Craig reached out to the Father Project.

“You could tell right away this wasn’t just a paycheck to them,” said Craig. “They really care and love what they do.” After a brief discussion, Craig threw himself full force into becoming a better parent.

The Father Project resources changed his life. “They helped me so much,” said Craig. “I have learned successful parenting techniques; they helped me repair my relationships and focus my energy on being a better coparent. My friends and family have noticed the changes when I am around her.”

Craig also mentioned the healing he has experienced sharing in Father Project’s group setting. “The leaders are supportive and encourage us to support each other, to not judge and nurture the moment together,” said Craig. “It just feels so good to know you are not alone.”

After a year of hard work, Craig’s daughter will get to see him perform again. “I am singing at church next weekend, and she is going to come. I am so excited!” said Craig. “Hopefully one day I will get to see her on stage with me.”

When asked if he had advice for other dads considering joining the Father Project he said, “The sooner you get involved the better. Run, do not walk. Because the faster you get involved, the faster you will see a better version of yourself for you and your kids.”

If you or someone you know would like more information, contact our team about the Father Project.


FATHER Project