Community & Belonging Pillars

  • Employee-driven Community and Belonging Council shares educational opportunities and creates space for discussion and transparent dialogue
  • Seek out, speak to, and listen to relevant audiences about our role within the community
  • Provide a talent pool for community employers
  • Stabilize families through the power of work
  • Support over 5,500 unemployed and lower-wage earners annually
  • Provide responsive practices and develop digital skills for all
  • Participate in advocacy days at the capitol
  • Preserve non-discriminatory, equal opportunity for all with a focus on the elimination of barriers to work and resources



We believe that community and belonging is central to our mission.

Enrichment Time Off

Rainbow colored light bulb with text in the middle saying 854 Employees


District Manager

"In my new role as Goodwill's district manager, I look forward to building more great partnerships within the organization that contributes to our mission to eliminate barriers to work and independence."



Store Processor

"Goodwill treats me very well. I participated in a Goodwill vocational rehabilitation program, and was hired at Goodwill full-time. I have been working for the company for almost ten years."



Workforce Development Manager

"In my new role as manager of FATHER Project, I have a unique opportunity to build community as our services strengthen the important relationship between fathers and their children."




"Being certified opened up new opportunities for me, which allowed me to explore other possibilities within the state. It's a totally different role, there is much more outreach. Just getting to interact with so many people has been exciting."

The People We Serve

are people of color
have one or more disabilities
are low income

Participant Stories

Discover how Shaylee found her passion for baking and decorating through retail industry training

Shaylee was dedicated to developing her work skills. Through Community Options 2, a post-high school…

Learn how Rico built a future with construction training

At 18 years old, Rico found himself at a crossroads. So he attended Goodwill-Easter Seals…

Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota’s Financial Industry Training transformed Jeffrey’s career

“I’m very grateful for the experience. It’s been life changing in many ways,” Jeffrey said of his…