As a service provider for people with disabilities, Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota actively supports and implements efforts to make this website accessible to all people regardless of any limitations.
Web accessibility means that people can perceive, understand, navigate and interact with every element on every page of a website, regardless of their physical or technical limitations.
This website is WCAG 2.2 compliant for accessibility and scores AA-AAA in annual accessibility audits to ensure all users can access our services and resources.
Accessibility includes but is not limited to the following:
- The ability to see text and graphics
- The ability to hear audio or video files
- The ability to use a keyboard, mouse or device
Some accessibility issues have nothing to do with having a diagnosed disability but with the Internet access tool, the aging process and personal needs. Whenever possible, we attempt to accommodate for these issues:
- Use of a text-only screen
- Small screens, such as handheld computers/devices and mobile telephones
- Slow Internet connection
Accessibility guidelines are also recommended by federal guidelines in Section 508, the 1998 Congressional amendment to the Rehabilitation Act. The goal of this act is to eliminate barriers in information technology, make new opportunities for people with disabilities and encourage development of technologies to help achieve these goals. We support and participate in these efforts actively.
Email with accessibility concerns or feedback related to this website.