About the Foundation
In 2014, the Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation was formed to ensure our financial resources grow and keep pace with the increased demand for services. The Foundation is a separate nonprofit that exists for the sole benefit of Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota. It offers donors a special opportunity to invest in the future of GESMN and create lasting legacies that will help people become economically self-sufficient.
Since the Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, contributors can take the maximum deduction for charitable contributions, under IRS regulations.
Foundation Vision
To use the power of generosity to build a world where everyone experiences the power of work.
Foundation Mission
To support Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota's mission to eliminate barriers to work and independence.
Foundation Values
- Philanthropy: We believe in the importance of charitable giving and its ability to make a lasting mark upon people and the community.
- Donor-focus: We build exceptional partnerships with people and promote inspired giving by providing donors with the options, tools and support they need to make charitable giving easy, personally satisfying and effective.
- Stewardship: We invest charitable gifts wisely and distribute them to advance the mission of Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota.
Invest in GESMN's Future
The Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation is building the bridge to ensure GESMN's funding for programs and services is secure so that more individuals in our community can experience the power of work. We hope you join us. We accept gifts of cash, stocks, property, bequests and other assets in the way that qualifies for the maximum tax advantages, as recognized by law.
Ways to Give to the Foundation:
- Make a gift payable to Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation
- Give an appreciated asset
- Name Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota in your will
- Our team can help you explore your present and long-term giving options, establish a named fund/donations in honor or in memory of friends or loved ones and designate funds that reflect your values and interests.
Contact Director of Development Naomi Prabhakar at 651-255-4910 for information.
We always encourage you to seek advice from a financial advisor when making personal investments.

Make a Gift Today
Your generous support helps open doors to brighter futures for people in our community.
Maritza found a new Career with Construction Training
Foundation Board Members
Lauren Beecham Henry, Chair
Vice President, Community Marketing,
Bremer Bank
John Bergstrom, M.B.A.
Fund Manager & General Partner,
Mairs & Power Venture Capital
Kortney Cartwright, Chair
Goodwill-Easter Seals MN Board of Directors,
District Branch Manager, BCForward
Marcella De La Torre, EdD
Chief Administrative Officer,
Minneapolis Area REALTORS®
Mike Finger, Vice Chair
Goodwill-Easter Seals MN Board of Directors,
Founder, ExitOasis.com
Gina Fox
Senior Associate General Counsel, Property Development, LifeTime
Adam Freeman
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Chris Grimm
Highland Associates
Texas Hemmaplardh, M.B.A., C.F.A., Secretary
Partner, Pavilion, A Mercer Practice
Sita Morantz, Vice Chair
Chief Acquisition Integration and Community
Engagement Officer (retired),
Marsden Holding L.L.C.
John Schonberg, Treasurer
Chief Investment Officer & Portfolio Manager,
Stonebridge Capital Advisors
Morgan Truscott
Executive Director, JP Morgan Private Bank
Michael Wirth-Davis, DPA (ex officio)
President, Goodwill Easter Seals Foundation,
President & CEO, Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
Annual Report
View the Goodwill-Easter Seals MN 2023 annual report
We Are Sustainable
Waste less and get more at Goodwill.
News & Events
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Annual Report
View the Goodwill-Easter Seals MN 2023 annual report
We Are Sustainable
Waste less and get more at Goodwill.

News & Events
Contact us and sign up for philanthropy news!
Impact Stories
GESMN hosts panel discussion on how organizations can improve job quality
Nationwide, more than 54 million Americans are working in low-wage jobs. Goodwill-Easter Seals MN…
A Century of Change and Future of Possibilities
Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota has been connecting people to career possibilities since 1919 and…
Discover how Shaylee found her passion for baking and decorating through retail industry training
Shaylee was dedicated to developing her work skills. Through Community Options 2, a post-high school…