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E-newsletter Winter/Spring 2024

Curtis smiling

You Fuel the Power of Work

Winter/Spring Newsletter 2024

Thanks to your strong volunteer and donor support, we have raised over $12 million toward our $12.8 million Power of Work Campaign goal.

We are putting these investments to work, reaching people where they are, expanding digital skills training and resources for participants, and building long-term support forjob seekers in the region.

Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota focuses on reaching the overlooked workforce, whose barriers may include lack of education or training, mental health, disability, justice involvement, generational poverty, or lack of transportation or childcare.

Victoria and Cristina smiling

Investing in Participants

Campaign investments are building on the success of our individual job coaching; wrap-around supports like transportation and work gear; skills-based training; and career advancement.

Curtis smiling

Accessing Technology

With reliable computers, internet access, training, and help desk support participants are thriving in virtual training and online job-seeking, vital for today’s workforce.

woman smiling and clapping while seated

Preparing for the Future of Work

The campaign is fueling innovations that prepare participants with in-demand skills, and help businesses rethink how they recruit, hire and keep employees based on skills and on-the-job performance.

Double Your Impact. 

Today your gift to the campaign will be matched up to $315,000!

dagme smiling in cap and gown

Where there’s a will, there’s Goodwill

Your partnership and support helped us serve a record number of people in 2023. Building sustainable careers and family stability are made possible with your generous contributions. When we connect the talented, driven people we serve with individualized resources, they thrive.

State of Minnesota

5,579 total individuals served from
74 Minnesota counties

john smiling

Supporters Like You

John Bergstrom is a numbers guy. When asked about his passion for Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota, he talks about the numbers that are truly important to him.

First is more than 800 people per year who enter competitive employment thanks to Goodwill’s support. Second is the more than 5,500 people who moved toward self-sufficiency in the world of work in 2023 – a 21% increase over 2020.

John enjoys sharing his passion for the unique social enterprise model; proceeds from Goodwill stores support career and workforce training services, allowing charitable dollars to stretch further. “The leveraged economic model is my favorite reason to donate, and I think it resonates with other business-oriented donors.”

In addition to his annual support, John decided to make a transformative gift to the Power of Work Campaign,

“I believe in the work we are doing here and wanted to be able to give more than I could with an annual gift. Naming Goodwill Easter-Seals Foundation as a beneficiary of my IRA is a vote of confidence, and a way for me to give in a meaningful way that was also simple to do.”

“Our services are more important now than ever before,” he says. “The pandemic opened up opportunities in work-from-home jobs that in many cases are suited to our clientele with barriers to work and independence.”


Make a big impact with a future gift.

Learn more about how to include Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation inyour willor estate plans.

Happy smiling man and woman

Thank you!

Join us for our annual

Power of Work event

May 9, 2024


Register Today