Explore Disability Services in These Areas
Work Incentives Connection
Minnesota’s only Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program
Get disability benefits planning help from experts about Social Security work incentives designed to help you succeed if you are working or want to work.
- Information and referral
- In-depth problem solving
- Customized benefit analysis
- Must be a Social Security beneficiary with a disability
- Ages 14 to full retirement
- Includes transition-to-work-aged youth and veterans
Getting Started
Contact the Hotline:
- 1-800-976-6728 (toll-free) or 651-632-5113
- Email workincentivesconnection@gesmn.org
Vocational Rehabilitation Services and SSB referrals only:
General Information - Ticket to Work helpline:
- 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 TTY
- Visit the SSA Choose Work website
Excel Files (Download using Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge)
WIPA is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Social Security Administration (Social Security) at taxpayer expense. While Social Security has reviewed this material for technical accuracy, it is not an official Social Security publication.
Services for Youth with Disabilities
Get support for the journey from school to what comes next: explore career interests, access skills training and resources.
A job exploration program helping youth with disabilities identify their career interests, connect with employers, gain experience and create a plan for next steps.
- Identify interests and strengths through various assessments, online tools, and discussions about in-demand occupations and the skills required.
- Explore careers with hands-on exposure to a variety of occupations through immersive virtual reality learning experiences.
- Connect with employers for industry tours, job shadows, informational interviews, networking events with local employers.
- Paid work-based learning experiences and development of an individualized work experience plan.
- Meet regularly to receive feedback on work performance. Develop soft skills connected to employment opportunities and career development plan.
People We Serve
Finding the right job gave Justice renewed self-confidence
Justice worked in several fields including manufacturing, warehouses and fast food, but none lined…
Discover how Shaylee found her passion for baking and decorating through retail industry training
Shaylee was dedicated to developing her work skills. Through Community Options 2, a post-high school…
Anakin’s Confidence and Self-Advocacy Creates Career Success
Guided by the recommendation of his mental health practitioner, Anakin joined Goodwill-Easter Seals…